The shadow of modern slavery in the EU Közgazdaságtudományi

35 OTDK, Közgazdaságtudományi Szekció, Gazdaságtörténet Tagozat.

The shadow of modern slavery in the EU

Hallgató: Salhi Nouha
Szak: nemzetközi kapcsolatok, Képzés típusa: ma, Intézmény: Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Kar: Külkereskedelmi Kar

Témavazető: Dr. Szilágyi Judit - adjunktus, Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem Külkereskedelmi Kar

Since the annexation of the 10 Central and Eastern European countries in 2004 (Romania and Bulgaria shortly later), the EU bodies have focused efforts on increasing integration and bridging the anatomical gaps between the eastern camp satellite states and the western bloc. The growing efforts have unraveled various economic, ideological, environmental as well as social issues. Yet, one of the very inconceivable threats has been undisclosed from public attention. Loosening the border regulations and the incremental economic cooperation have opened the possibilities for trade and trafficking. As per definition trafficking is the illegal exploitation of commodities and for this latter, the commodity is of human nature.
In this respect, the researcher will examine the main features of Human Trafficking often referred to as “Modern-day Slavery” at the European scope.

Research Questions:

1. How can we define Modern Slavery?
2. Which are the countries of origin, transition, and destination?
3. What are its social, economic, and human repercussions on the European community?
4. What are the measures taken by the EU to combat it? How effective are they?
5. How can the EU restore its founding values and strengthen its fight for human dignity?

Research Methodology:

In order to satisfy the aims of this study, the research will rely on both quantitative and qualitative methods. Primarily, the focus will be on data gathering. In this context, the researcher will conduct a survey to assess the European Community awareness about this highly controversial modern issue. This will target a representative sample of Hungarian, EU, and non-EU nationals. This inquiry will be carried out online. Later on, the researcher will analyze the findings, thoroughly examine the noticeable correlations, place in juxtaposition to the EU data and advise recommendations on how to control, and ultimately deter Human Trafficking..